Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

AC4 Mayan Stela Stones Locations Guide (8)

In order to acquire Mayan Outfit, which deflects metal projectiles, you have to find 16 Mayan Stelas and arrange Mayan Stones in correct order. Mayan Stelas are scattered throughout the map, usually one per island (Cape Bonavista, Cat Island, Great Inagua, Tulum, Tortuga, Matanzas, New Bone and Long Bay), but on some islands you can find two Stelas: Pinos Isle, Misteriosa, Santanillas and Isla Providencia. In order to reach Isla Providencia and Long Bay Islands you should progress through your main story. 

When you find a Mayan Stela, you have to solve a puzzle and reveal stones that each Stela hides. The Mayan Outfit is hidden behind a secret door in Tulum, that can be opened after collecting 16 Mayan Stones. When you finish the mission The Memory 04 Overrun and Outnumbered, talk to James Kidd, who will unveil a hidden location of Mayan Outfit.

1. Cape Bonavista Mayan Stone

2. Cat Island Mayan Stone

3. Great Inagua Mayan Stone

Note: Mission “This Old Cove”, where you follow James Kidd takes you to this location. Finding this Mayan Stone is part of the mission.

4. Tulum Mayan Stone

5. Tortuga Mayan Stone

6. Matanzas Mayan Stone

7. Pinos Isle Mayan Stone I

8. Pinos Isle Mayan Stone II

9. Misteriosa Mayan Stone I

10. Misteriosa Mayan Stone II

11. New Bone Mayan Stone

12. Santanillas Mayan Stone I

13. Santanillas Mayan Stone II

14. Isla Providencia Mayan Stone I

15. Isla Providencia Mayan Stone II

16. Long Bay Mayan Stone

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